Comparing two documents using i-net PDFC may require an extensive amount of memory. Although a sophisticated caching mechanism is used, the comparison requires to keep several pages of both documents in memory at runtime.
Potential causes for the application to run out of memory:
- the documents contain very large high resolution images
- the documents contain an extensive amount of drawing elements per page; e.g. technical drawings, maps or circuit diagrams
- both documents have many differences - at least several tens of thousands
- the startup settings for java applications has a very low memory limit
Possible solution - Increasing the memory of i-net PDFC
By default a Java Program such as i-net PDFC will take 1/4 of the memory available on your system as its maximum. You can give i-net PDFC more memory if you need to compare large documents.
i-net PDFC Server
In the Configuration Manager dialog “Web Server” section “Performance” you can set the value of “Max Heap Memory”. To see it it is necessary to “Switch to Advanced View” in the upper right user drop down menu.
Command line and application
To do this you must set the -Xmx command line option to some larger value.
- Xmx1024m for 1024MB maximum
- Xmx2g for 2GB maximum
In your installation folder, open the properties of your i-net PDFC shortcut (Right-click and select Properties). In the Shortcut tab you will find the Destination like
“C:\Program Files\i-net PDFC GUI\jre\bin\javaw.exe” -cp “C:\Program Files\i-net PDFC GUI\java\PDFCGui.jar” com.inet.pdfc.Startup
Add the Xmx option here like
“C:\Program Files\i-net PDFC GUI\jre\bin\javaw.exe” -cp “C:\Program Files\i-net PDFC GUI\java\PDFCGui.jar” -Xmx1024m com.inet.pdfc.Startup
-Xmx must appear in front of com.inet.pdfc.Startup!
Open the executable file /usr/bin/i-net PDFC with an appropriate editor. It should look like
java -cp “/usr/share/i-net-pdfc/java/PDFCGui.jar” com.inet.pdfc.Startup “$@”
Add the Xmx option like
java -cp “/usr/share/i-net-pdfc/java/PDFCGui.jar” -Xmx1024m com.inet.pdfc.Startup “$@”
-Xmx must appear before com.inet.pdfc.Startup!
Open the /Applications/i-net with an appropriate editor.
Add for example -Xmx1024M under JVMOptions.
If you do not have an appropriate editor you can edit the file with a text editor and add the -Xmx as a value after the JVMOptions as follows