The error “No matching authentication protocol” can occur if try to create connection to an Oracle 12c database.
We are planning to support Oracle 12 in a future version of the JDBC driver i-net Oranxo.
As workaround for the current version of i-net Oranxo you could add the following property to the file “sqlnet.ora” of your Oracle 12 database:
Then you can use Oracle 12 with i-net Oranxo which is a part of i-net Clear Reports.
The error “ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol” occurs because Oracle also changes the client authentication with the individual version.
Unfortunately, our drivers do not support all “authentication protocols”.
To enable the registration anyway, you can set the following setting in “sqlnet.ora” (… \ db_home \ network \ admin \ sqlnet.ora) of your Oracle database:
If this does not work or if you use a newer Oracle database version than original Oracle 12c then we recommend to use the Oracle JDBC driver for your reports.