Display a number in Indian Currency

How can i display a number in the report in Indian currency?
By default the number is displayed as: xxx,xxx.00. In Indian currency it should be displayed as: x,xx,xx,xxx.00

You can display the number in Indian currency using the following user defined function:

Function ( NumberVar value )
    If( Abs(value) < 100000) Then (
        ToText( value, "#,##0.00");
    ) Else (
        NumberVar thousands := value \ 1000;
        NumberVar other := Abs( value - thousands * 1000 );
        ToText( thousands,",##") + ',' +  ToText( other, "000.00");

If the name of the function is IndianCurrency then you can use it in a formula field like:

IndianCurrency( {table.column} );